Thursday, March 19, 2009

36.5wk Check Up

At my dr.'s appt today, I was HOPING that he would say, HEY, you're dialated 2 cm...blah blah...induce early..blah blah. NO SUCH LUCK.

She said the baby has started to descend but he's still high up. My cervix is starting to soften but not thin out. I had a group B strep test and lemme just tell about uncomfortable! A cotton swab stuck up my butt, DISGUSTING! lol...and she did a vaginal exam. Apparently she decided to use the LARGEST speculum EVER invented! Chile..i literally let out a noise! She was like " oh, im sorry...let me get a smaller speculum!" YEAH!! YOU DO THAT LADY!!! I've been closed up for the past 8 months. Aint too much going on in there!! lol

Anyway..I've gained ONE whole pound, leaving me at 141lbs. blood pressure 114/70. Tummy measuring 36 to 37. Whatever that means.

lol..such a boring, regular, uneventful pregnancy. But I guess thats always good.



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