Thursday, April 2, 2009

I guess man.

Why is that picture so large u ask!? Because at my weekly appt I was totally blown. Here's the rundown:
*im not dialated, ANY
*I'm not thinning out, ANY
*The baby weighs 6lbs 12oz ( give or take a few oz)
*They wont/cant induce me because my cervix is "un-induceable"
*The baby is measuring a WEEK smaller than they initially said THEREFORE letting me know that they should've listened to me when I told them 28 weeks ago that I wasnt as far as they think I am.
*and my blood pressure is high.
Ayden...what r u doing in there?! Other than a bunch of nothing. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH



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