Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The waiting game..

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...14 days left. And I mean really..why havent I gone into early labor!? I'm a full 38 weeks...Ayden is TOTALLY capable of living outside my body. But no..he's just CHILLIN. Im gaining weight day by day, I'm up to 144lbs. Come on man!!

My BF isnt coming out here until April 9th and more than likely i'll STILL be preggo. Atleast he will be here for my bday on the 10th. I'll be a whopping 28years old! JEEEEZZZZZ. Bday and baby all within days of each other. Its crazy.

I still have 6 days of work left and they are driving me CRAZY!!! I'm having a breakdown. I'm soooooo physically and emotionally tired right now. I cant wait till the 7th comes...FMLA TIME!!! lol..lazy days. Unless the baby comes lol...

OH..and I got my travel system ( thanks Godmommy Nia) and instead of the Graco, I ended up getting the Chicco Cortina Keyfit. The Graco was kind of dingy looking once I saw it in person but the Chicco was pretty, modern and had great colors AND was like pounds lighter!! This isnt the actual one because its still in the box..i'll be trotting over to the fire dept so they can install it properly. Pics soon!

Until then..we play the waiting game. BLAH.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bored senseless

I'm Bored out of my mind!! Why can't the baby be here so I atleast have a legitimate reason to NOT be sleep! I could atleast be looking at him, changing a diaper, feeding something!! LOL all and I do mean allll of my friends are out doing something, me? I'm at home watching the movie Penelope and counting baby kicks! Tons of fun!

I got a new car the day before yesterday and I'm totally excited about that!! Not my dream car but it's great either way! I finally got my Honda! My volkswagen a.k.a BB was too small for my growing family. I could hardly fit my large Michael Kors shopping bags back there!

That's a lackluster picture of the dash board! And a couple shots from today! I still love BB but my car heart belongs to Hondie!!

Oh and here's a pic of me tonight at Brio with my best friend Ericka! I'm getting bigggggg

Woah big mama!!!! LOL

-- Post From My iPhone

Thursday, March 19, 2009

36.5wk Check Up

At my dr.'s appt today, I was HOPING that he would say, HEY, you're dialated 2 cm...blah blah...induce early..blah blah. NO SUCH LUCK.

She said the baby has started to descend but he's still high up. My cervix is starting to soften but not thin out. ARGHHHH...lol. I had a group B strep test and lemme just tell ya...talk about uncomfortable! A cotton swab stuck up my butt, DISGUSTING! lol...and she did a vaginal exam. Apparently she decided to use the LARGEST speculum EVER invented! Chile..i literally let out a noise! She was like " oh, im sorry...let me get a smaller speculum!" YEAH!! YOU DO THAT LADY!!! I've been closed up for the past 8 months. Aint too much going on in there!! lol

Anyway..I've gained ONE whole pound, leaving me at 141lbs. blood pressure 114/70. Tummy measuring 36 to 37. Whatever that means.

lol..such a boring, regular, uneventful pregnancy. But I guess thats always good.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Since I hadnt done any belly shots in like 2 months, I figured I should show how round i am now. I literally look like I have a basketball in my stomach! lol..i also had a mini photoshoot of myself...I thought I was cute today! hehe..in the words of my boyfriend " ur pretty everyday billy!" HEY THANKS!!! lol

and there you have it! lol..I really think he has no room left !


Again, I bought something that required assembly. The Fisher Price Infant Papasan Seat! Ive been in love with this little lounger since the day I found out I was pregnant! So, thanks to the ever efficient Burlington Coat Factory, i got it for $44.99 instead of 69.99. DEAL!!! hehe..heres the pictures, clearly they uploaded in reverse order but YOU get the idea:

Next project: GRACO TRAVEL SYSTEM!!! I should have it by wednesday and there will definitley be pics of me putting it together! AND pictures of me at the firestation getting it "professionally" put in my the firemen so its "done properly." lol..I would hate to have it installed wrong and then when i'm heading home and hit a sharp turn..THUD...baby on the floor! LMAO!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Help me choose which outfit to bring him home in!!!! They're all small but being the fashion forward mommy that I am, he can't just wear a onesie!! There are two sweatsuits and one alligator feet sleeper! Which is cutest??

-- Post From My iPhone


So I'm doing my first load of laundry and I'm excited!! Washing all the newborn sized stuff! I'd forgotten how much stuff i'd bought! But so many cute things! And the baby Dreft detergent smells like babies! LOL I thought it was unscented!! Oh well....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Im guessing my nesting has started to kick in. Because my dad bought me a lovely bassinet and when it got here, I didnt like it, it was scratched up and missing parts. BLAH. So what do I do? Go directly to Babies R Us and purchased another one that I loved! Me and my homegirl Orlanda spent a whopping 20 minutes putting this thing together! Heres the photos.

There were a few more pics but I'm actually TOO LAZY to put it up..but you get the idea!! Now my room looks really baby-ish, I even set up my diaper genie! ( thanks Tinah ♥)
and here is my huge mound of diapers, etc from the shower! Whenever my photographer gets the pics from the shower to me, I'll post them!
On another note, the BH contractions are coming more and more, which leads me to believe that Ayden will be here before his expected due date! YAY!!!! Come on down!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009


I had my 34w5d check up today...i'm cool...140LBS, jeeezus!! lol And I had an ultrasound to measure amniotic fluid, etc...the baby weighs 5lbs5oz already. Let's hope he doesnt gain TOO much more weight. Lol..otherwise the cute outfit I picked out for him to wear home he wont be able to fit it! But, yeah..we did the non-stress test today too and hes not stressed, lol. ]

Not too much else to say about it. My baby shower is saturday! FINALLY!! =) I've gotten a couple gifts in the mail already. A humidifier, a bassinet and a buncha diapers and wipes. Cool basic things that I needed and wanted. All I'm waiting to see is if I get the travel system I want and crib. If not..time to take a trip to Babies R Us! hehe..any excuse to shop I'm down for.

My BF finally comes back tomorrow, well today @ 630pm and I'm soooooooo excited! YAY!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


6 weeks left. I'm tired. I'm scared. I'm over it.

I know these last few weeks are going to drag on and on but JEEEZZZZZZZ maybe by some miracle i'll deliver early, like in 3 or 4 weeks. I'll be 37 weeks then...thats a safe delivery range. Hell, RIGHT NOW is a safe delivery range.

Not only is the fatigue KILLING me, I'm finally starting to get scared. Like REAL scared. I'm about to be somebody's MOM. lol, are you serious????? I was just in the clubs, drinking, hanging out late, not really having a care in the world and now in 6 weeks, I will have a son.

I try to talk to my BF but he's not quite there yet. I mean, he's THERE but not where I am. He hasnt really had to deal with the whole situation as much as I have because he lives so far away and he's still living his life the way he wants to. Nothing wrong with that because I cant expect him to just stop partying, taking trips, etc just because I cant. A small part of me wished he did but I mean really, lol, the likelyhood of that happening is SLIM to NONE.
Next month this time, i'll either be a real mom or in labor. Weird. I'm not ready. I'm scared out of my mind. I'm scared thinking about the move to Cali once the baby gets here. I dont have any friends there, I dont have a life there. But I know if I stay here what the outcome will be. I dont know..I know it's all emotions right now but I cant help but feel some type of way about everything right now.
Atleast I'm still "small" 24lbs...not that bad! lol
oh and P.S. I've decided to blog via my iPhone while i'm in labor/going to the hospital, etc...why not?!?! More memories!!

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