Sunday, January 4, 2009

MIddle Name Cont'd..

For those who've actually paid attention, there is a poll along the right side of my blog. That is a poll tallying votes for my baby's middle name. Now, we have decided that whatever name wins is what we are going give the baby.

And from the looks of things "Akil" is in the lead. I smell fishy business going on!! Because I voted once and NOT for that one. lol..we shall see.

Anyway, I'm starting to get more and more hands on my belly and its starting to work my nerves more and more. I suppose its okay for random people to touch your stomach. I wasnt aware of that. Regardless, I need to get a shirt that says "Dont Touch Me."

Anybody know where to get one??


LandaDenise on January 6, 2009 at 4:23 PM said...'s a link I found for one of the shirts. I do believe you can chose a different style shirt, though....

Crys.C on January 7, 2009 at 6:45 AM said...

I voted for Akil. I like the way it flows.

Here are some shirts I found:

Anonymous said...

Bryce voted for Akil..... and so did Grandma because we love Akil it means Intelligent one. And it seems you have a little one who is very much so. Love and Kisses, Pittsburgh


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